client.screen += K
Is there a way I can set K's screen_loc to src's screen_loc, but set it one to the right?
I don't want to have to hard code it in, because I'm doing this for hotslot descriptions, and I want it to just show a description when you move your mouse over the hotslot.
What I want it to do, is when I move my mouse over the hotslot that has a technique on it, I want a 320x96 black box icon(that I have already made) to appear on your screen one spot to the right.
For the sake of clarity, I'll just make a quick example.
I want K2's screen loc to be 7,6 without having to hard code it that way.
I tried doing K2.screen_loc = "[K.x+1],[K.y]", but it didn't work.