ok, i have a few questions. first off, since i'm stupid, what is the exact way to use overlays. since this doesn't seem to work.
name = "chainmail"
icon = 'pcarmored.dmi'

overlays += 'pcarmored.dmi'
suffix ="(worn)"
overlays -= 'pcarmored.dmi'
suffix = null

ok, my second question. how could i make skills, like ones that have pictures with them in the statpanel. I'm thinking to define them as Objs but then they all just go into the inventory. so i need something that could block and redirect them.. or something

did i mention i'm an idoit?

okay, that's all my questions for now, i hope some one can make sense of this post...
On 8/7/01 10:24 pm Nebathemonk wrote:
ok, i have a few questions. first off, since i'm stupid, what is the exact way to use overlays. since this doesn't seem to work.
name = "chainmail"
icon = 'pcarmored.dmi'

overlays += 'pcarmored.dmi'
suffix ="(worn)"
overlays -= 'pcarmored.dmi'
suffix = null

You are putting the overlay over the object which is in the usr.contents so nothing is shown. You wanna do usr.overlays += whatever so it shows up over the player not the object.

<font color="green"> ok, my second question. how could i make skills, like ones that have pictures with them in the statpanel. I'm thinking to define them as Objs but then they all just go into the inventory. so i need something that could block and redirect them.. or something </font>

Make a new list in the mob's variables and add the skills (which would be objects like you figured) to that. Then do the statpanel like statpanel("Skills",src.SkillsList). Just make sure to set the list equal to a new list in the mob New() proc.

<h6>did i mention i'm an idoit?</h6>
You are only an idiot if you resist learning.

okay, that's all my questions for now, i hope some one can make sense of this post...
In response to Theodis
all of that helps me a lot