Anybody want any graphics done or anything of the sort, including CSS? Because I'm really bored.
How about you make my CSS feel right Wildrougue?

I r want CSS.
I like your CSS already.
Whose? Mine or LifeHunter's?
Yes to everybody, I'll talk to you about it later though. Please leave your AIM/MSN .
My MSN is [email protected]

(has a feeling he is about to get a crapload of "[person] just added you" messages)
CSS please? =)

MSN: [email protected]

That is going to be my BLOG icon, if you could make a CSS that matches that, it would be awesome.

AIM: Karminic
CSS. You sexy muffin.

AIM: Spade489
MSN: [email protected]
Ok, I didn't realize I would get so many requests, but I can deal with it. I just have to do so 1 by 1 in order of who requested first. This could take up to a few weeks for everybody.
By the way, Spade and Sage, I added you both.

My MSN is [email protected]