Dragonball Supremacy

by Atol Soldier
Dragonball Supremacy
Welcome To Teh World Of Supremacy...
I've ask the owner for help, he wouldnt even bother to try to help me.
yea for 1 sec
it took him week just get this back
might went away again same shit going have again
hmm what do u mean ?
he be gone for while
Yo ibis. Bring the server back up. What's taking so long :/
And the wait continues...
Guys, sorry for the weird laggy shit.

Wipe will be in ONE hour. be sure to be here! After that it won't happen again. (I hope)

Another wipe... wtffff
Hopefully when another wipe comes up... I'll have my sub e.e
I didn't even know there was a wipe today, guess I'm glad it has been delayed for a bit.
Ori already lvl 31k
get rekt
It might be down for awhile, or come up right now. The information we got that it would be up in 55 minutes over an hour ago appears to be inaccurate. We have no way of knowing the situation currently.
With Ibis, the times he sets up for these wipes are never accurate lol. This is to be expected.
We wiped already.. Then server went rip..
We're wiping again.
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