Dragonball Supremacy

by Atol Soldier
Dragonball Supremacy
The Number #1 Free Dragonball Mass Multiplayer Online (MMORPG) PvP Game on BYOND!

Supremacy News:

Turkish Entertainment welcomes you to experience a world unseen and unlike others on BYOND! With 24/7 hosting by a dedicated server, constant tournaments, very active admins to respond to your help-based needs in the quickest manner possible, and no ridiculous afk booter, you will surely find this world an exciting experience for both you and your friends. Supremacy is nearly bug-free, but there is no bug-free game on BYOND, so if you managed to find one, please report to an admin at once! In return for reporting the bug, you will be rewarded for your help making Supremacy a better game. Thank you for playing and we hope you enjoyed your stay with us!


[Mr Ibis] - Programmer/Graphic Artist

Woohoo what an original master piece!
This game is awesome. Give it a try. :D
3rd comment hoes
but yea this game is epic u should play it so i could pwn you >:D
ibis the game wont let me in
Yeah, it looks like the game has crashed. Damn. We had a GT and a UT coming up too...
we are aware of the issue will have it fixed soon

GM jensu
We are fixing the issue as soon as possible

GM DachKinderson
^^Totally a GM
But yea this game be cool af
Icon Thiefs
what icons did supremacy steal homeboy
The only thing Supremacy is guilty of stealing, is my heart.
Supremacy Is WIPING with a Big Update(V0.18.3) in few hours, Fan the HUB, and tell your friends about it. Stay Tuned!
Sure, I'll act like you didn't delete my comment.
In response to NNAAAAHH
Your comment wasn't deleted, I haven't even seen you comment here before.

Lvl 8 GM Kino
sux 2 b u lel
In response to Orient Xper
Started second page lawl nerd
i'll rek ur face nub.
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