Aug 24 2001, 4:09 pm
Well, I need help with how to make a login screen like DBZ.NN and all the other games that give you a choice of what you want to be and stuff, I would REALLY appreciate it if you would please help me!!!
In response to SilkWizard
SilkWizard wrote:
PyRoMaNiAc wrote: where did you get the random battle coding for ur game? did you make it? if not, could you tell me where you read on how to make one? thanx |
In response to Robo Cop
Robo Cop wrote:
SilkWizard wrote: I checked it out, it really helped me alot thanx Vortezz for making that and Silk Wizard for telling me about it! |
In response to Robo Cop
where did you get the random battle coding for ur game? did you make it? if not, could you tell me where you read on how to make one? I made the random battle coding for my game, and it's actually quite simple (even though it originally took me about 3 hours or so to make it and figure it out) Here is basically what you do: In the area that you want battles to be randomly generated, place an area. When you declare the area in your code, do this: Area MonsterArea Entered() usr.randmonster = 1 = 1 Exited() usr.randmonster = 0 Now when a user is in this area, they will be open to randomly encounter a monster. To ensure that this happens, put this code in: mob Move() if(usr.randmonster == 1) if(usr.batcheck == 0) usr.RANDMONSTER() Now whenever a character moves in an area with random fights, each step will be another chance to hit a monster. Here is an example RANDMONSTER proc: proc RANDMONSTER() var/tmp/mon = rand(1,20) switch(mon) if(1) usr.batcheck = 1 usr.randmonster = 0 switch( if(1) var/tmp/monccheck = rand(1,3) switch(monccheck) if(1,2) usr.monc = "slime" if(3) usr.monc = "red slime" usr.MONSTER() This randomly generates a monster based upon what map your in, in this case the map value is "1" Depending upon what area you are in the map value should be different. It also randomly generates which monster you encounter. My monster proc takes the user to the actual battle, which in my case is a teleport to another location for a turn based battle blah blah blah. Within this proc, I create a new monster based upon usr.monc to battle. The batcheck var is to make sure that two random battles don't happen at once. It should be set to 0 again after the battle is over. This might be too confusing for you, and I'm sure other people have better ways to do it than that, but that's my way and I'm sticking to it. Hope I was of some help. -Silk Wizard |
Check out Vortezz's class selection demo for the option of different character classes or races, and Deadron's character handling library for the saving and loading characters menu.
-Silk Wizard