In response to Robo Cop
Robo Cop wrote:
mob//This is the player//
var//this will start a var list//
Health=100//This Shows that the var health has a value of 100//
Level=1//this shows that the var Level has a value of one//
Statup=0//This Shows that the Statup var has a value of Zero//
Exp=0//This Shows that the var Exp has a value of Zero//
MaxHealth=100//This Makes a Max Health var witch Will be used later//
MaxExp=100//This Makes a Max Exp var which will be used later//
//You can make as many vars as you want using this method//

//Now to make a stat panel so the player can see What there Level and Exp//
Stat()//This shows that you are starting a stat panel//
statpanel("Stats")//This Names the statpanel Stats//
stat("Health","[usr.Health]/[usr.MaxHealth]")//This Names the First thing on the Statpanel Health and makes it show the users Health and Max Health on the same line which looks like this 100/100//
stat("Level",Level)//This Names the Second stat on the panel Level and the , then the word Level show you are using the var Level//

THeres the coding im using, i dont think i have Stats defined twice, can you see a problem in it?

Ok its not in your Stat() part, then its in something else. Dont know

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