mob//This is the player//
var//this will start a var list//
Health=100//This Shows that the var health has a value of 100//
Level=1//this shows that the var Level has a value of one//
Statup=0//This Shows that the Statup var has a value of Zero//
Exp=0//This Shows that the var Exp has a value of Zero//
MaxHealth=100//This Makes a Max Health var witch Will be used later//
MaxExp=100//This Makes a Max Exp var which will be used later//
//You can make as many vars as you want using this method//
//Now to make a stat panel so the player can see What there Level and Exp//
Stat()//This shows that you are starting a stat panel//
statpanel("Stats")//This Names the statpanel Stats//
stat("Health","[usr.Health]/[usr.MaxHealth]")//This Names the First thing on the Statpanel Health and makes it show the users Health and Max Health on the same line which looks like this 100/100//
stat("Level",Level)//This Names the Second stat on the panel Level and the , then the word Level show you are using the var Level//
THeres the coding im using, i dont think i have Stats defined twice, can you see a problem in it?
Ok its not in your Stat() part, then its in something else. Dont know
Ok its not in your Stat() part, then its in something else. Dont know