its better to use a spam protector but if u dun want to then use this in your verbs
say(m as text)
world << "[usr] says : [m],[usr]"
if u didnt notice i made it say the name at the end of the verb so if some1 spams it will do whatever and at the end it will say the name so you know who it is...just add that to all of your talking verbs..and whala
Sep 1 2001, 6:48 am
In response to Alathon
no,no,no...some ppl use stuff like ,font size = 10>Spam
Spam over and over and sometimes u dun get to see the names cuz it fills the whole text box...this way u can see there name at the end |
In response to Eponick
On the other hand, you could use html_encode() to prevent them from changing font sizes and lentext to make sure that their messages aren't over a certain length.
In response to LexyBitch
yea....never thought of
Now I find this very funny. Eponick, look at what your saying. Why would you need to show [usr] at the end, its shown at the start. Either your not getting what usr is, how anything works, or overlooked the first one. Or im missing something here