Ok I am ordering the the bluebook, but in the mean time i need to know how to make a fly verb. i tried but....
set category "commands"
if(fly) flick("fly.dmi",usr)
if (fly) mob density=0
![]() Sep 2 2001, 6:14 am
Ok can someone help me whith this. I want a verb that makes the usr able to go over dense objects. Also i want it to display an image of the usr flying. I want it so if you hit the verb again you land on the cooridinate you are above, if you are on somethinge dense you cant move untill you hit the verb named fly. Is that descriptive enough?
Alathon wrote:
Valderalgx wrote: In general, I agree. However, at least he posted what he was trying, so it was a little more specific than just asking "how do I make a fly verb?" Valderalgx, your basic idea seems to be to set the mob's density to 0, which will allow you to pass over other dense objects. This is a sensible approach, but your coding is far from being compilable. You should read up on the tutorials and demos some more until you get the blue book. You should pay special attention to verb syntax, indentation, and how to set variables for the user of a verb. For example, 'if(fly)' means nothing if you haven't declared the variable 'fly,' (which you haven't). Similarly, 'mob density=0' is not valid... you most likely wanted src.density=0. |
Im going to be the first to throw this at you. There is NO such thing as a "fly verb" or "the code to absorb". If you think of it that way you will NEVER become a good coder. Another thing is, do not ever ask like that on the forums. Assume we do NOT know what a fly verb is, assume that all we know, is code. And fly verb can be many things. In my game it might teleport you to the "sky" area, or boost your agility and remove the ability to be tripped.
My point is, be more specific!