![]() Sep 23 2001, 4:18 am
Is it possible to have a statement that if they do this verb then do this?
FIREking wrote:
yes, its possible, thats what a verb does How would you do this with a verb that doesnt require an item? |
By making the verb!
EVERY verb is a statement saying "if the player does the verb, do this." Show me how to make a verb that isn't, and I'll give you $100. (Note an empty verb is still such a statement, it's just saying "if the player does the verb, do nothing.") |
LexyBitch wrote:
By making the verb! By making it under the area? |
Under what area? Who said anything about an area? You know, you haven't mentioned areas ONCE in this entire post, out side of the topic heading, which makes me believe that as FireKing surmised, you didn't really ask the question you meant to. Why don't you rephrase your question, in some way that involves A) more than one sentence and B) the little matter of exactly how areas figure into your question, and we'll get back to you.
Ok. I have an area that when the usr enters i want the verb that they already have to become ten times more powerful.I want this only in this area, when they exit the values go back to normal for the ver. Is that good enough and is it possible?
Do me a favor: look at your original question, imagine that you're somebody else looking at it, and ask yourself, "Is there any way to tell what this guy really wants to know?"
Assuming you've done that, try this (easiest way): use the same verb for everywhere, but just put an if line in it, that says if (isarea(usr.loc:loc) && usr.loc:loc.type == /area/specialarea) blah blah blah * 10 else blah blah blah This says "If the square the usr is standing on is inside an area, and that area is the special one, times ten." |
LexyBitch wrote:
Do me a favor: look at your original question, imagine that you're somebody else looking at it, and ask yourself, "Is there any way to tell what this guy really wants to know?" Thanks and i see what you mean! |
set src in usr
usr << "You eat the apple, yummy"
in this example, the user clicks on eat, then the message is displayed, then the apple is deleted.
if /obj/apple is in usr
then show verb eat
if user clicks eat
then show message "You eat the apple, yummy"
then delete /obj/apple in usr
thats basically what a verb does. Im not sure you asked the question you really wanted, but as mean as i am, ill answer exactley what you asked.