I read all the help files. But it is not in them. How do I make it so when the game starts you can pic a guy out of like 5?

I was tring this code.

icon = 'person.dmi'

bug //new prototype
icon = 'bug.dmi' //override the parent's icon, which was 'person.dmi'

HP = 30 //declares a new variable called HP, with a value of 30

DeathCheck() //checks to see if an attack is deadly
if (HP <= 0) //if the defender's HP is low enough...
world << "[src] dies!" //do the death messaging
usr.loc = locate(1,1,1)
usr << "You died!"
oview() << "[usr] died!"

var/obj/gold/G = new(loc) //create a new obj from the gold blueprint
G.amount = rand(1,100) //set its amount variable randomly
..() //call the parent

Login() = input("What is your name?","Your name?",
var/icon = input("Are you a boy or a girl?") in list ("boy","girl")

icon = 'person.dmi'
icon_state = 'male.dmi'

icon = 'person.dmi'
icon_state = 'female.dmi'

Can some one help me?
TK6000 wrote:
I read all the help files. But it is not in them.

Yes there is. It is a Demo. If you ask where the demoes are, I'll tell you they're on the BYOND website. If you ask where the BYOND website is, I will personally kill you.
I have a tutorial that teaches such things:

Click on "Tutorials" on the side bar.
Click on "CharChoice" in the tutorials menu.
Click on "View Documentation" on that page.

Good luck!