![]() Oct 15 2001, 2:03 pm
This is got to be the dumbest question ever but how do I make it so I can have a var that depends on your level multiply by 10? like if I want my MP to go up when I drink some thing
Alathon wrote:
* = Multiplication As explained in the Blue Book. Given the level of these questions, you'll save yourself and everyone a lot of time if you get the Blue Book. |
Deadron wrote:
Alathon wrote: And while you're waiting for the book to arrive, click on the word "Reference" under "Developers" on the left. You'll be amazed at how much help is in there. This topic is answered under "Operator," where it explains the following DM operators: [] () . / : ~ ! - ++ -- ** * / % + - < <= > >= << >> == != <> & ^ | && || ? = += -= *= /= &= |= ^= <<= >>= If you want to know what the rest of this fun stuff is, take a peek! |
Skysaw wrote:
Deadron wrote: And for quick access to these things without having to goto the reference press F1 in Dream Maker its basicly the same as the reference but quicker in some situations. |
mob WRONG! mob Good luck! |
Lord of Water wrote:
> mob WRONG! > mob Good luck! Nadrew's would have been fine if he had used *= instead of *. Yours, on the other hand, is a bit more problematic. First, you forgot to indent under Drink_Potion(). Second, why is that a mob verb? It should belong to a potion, otherwise the user can drink a non-existant potion at any time, continually jacking up their "mp." Third, "as num" does nothing here; you've already assigned a number in the initial declaration. |
Heh, sorry about indentation! I always define a variable if I can. It's a habit. And, I did not expect him to use THIS code, I expected him to look at it and learn from it.
Good day. |
You would use the multiply(*) operator so something like this: