Ok i have this
mob/mage/verb/Earthquake(mob/M in oview())
Blah Blah Blah
//then I have.....
//how would I make the ground icon change without making the ground the target of the verb? Also the if(M.loc==/turf/ground) doesn't seem to work.
Valderalgx wrote:
Ok i have this
mob/mage/verb/Earthquake(mob/M in oview())
Blah Blah Blah
//then I have.....

//how would I make the ground icon change without making the ground the target of the verb?

Change M.loc.icon. If you want to temporarily play an 'earthquake' movie that you've made, you might try flick() on M.loc.

Also the if(M.loc==/turf/ground) doesn't seem to work.

Try istype(): if (istype(M.loc, /turf/ground))
In response to Air Mapster
Air Mapster wrote:
Valderalgx wrote:
Ok i have this
mob/mage/verb/Earthquake(mob/M in oview())
Blah Blah Blah
//then I have.....

//how would I make the ground icon change without making the ground the target of the verb?

Change M.loc.icon. If you want to temporarily play an 'earthquake' movie that you've made, you might try flick() on M.loc.

Also the if(M.loc==/turf/ground) doesn't seem to work.

Try istype(): if (istype(M.loc, /turf/ground))

Oh thanks!! i thought that only worked for mobs!!