Can Someone Tell me how to make it so when a person with a certain key logs in,they get a different icon from which other can't choose? and make it so they dont have to choose from the list of characters etc....
![]() Oct 22 2001, 12:36 am
CloneGoku wrote:
Can Someone Tell me how to make it so when a person with a certain key logs in,they get a different icon from which other can't choose? and make it so they dont have to choose from the list of characters etc.... I'm working on something similar right now with my own project, in choosing colors. The player's mob is transported to a special map where there are colors to choose from. The different-colored mobs will be overlaid by a white circle indicating it's their current color, or a red circle with a slash to show that that color is taken. (Some of this code isn't implemented yet, mostly because I have yet to run any kind of multiplayer test.) If you choose this setup, what you'll want to do will be to make a map area with objs that have the various character icons. (Either that, or put them in the stat panel.) When the player clicks on these, or uses the arrow keys, or however else you want to do this, that obj's icon is transferred to the player's mob. Then, disable the obj so no other player can click it; and use some kind of indicator to show that it's taken. Just remember that once you run out of character icons, you'll need some other way of assigning them to new players, unless you want to limit the number of players in your game. Lummox JR |
Thanks Nadrew
i need help with making a barrier spell to protect the caster this is what i have obj/overlays Barrier icon = 'Barrier.dmi' layer = MOB_LAYER+1 mob proc Barrier() usr.overlays+=/obj/overlays/Barrier mob |
um ignore that last post for some reason it posted while i was typing sorry
Thanks Nadrew i need help with making a barrier spell to protect the caster this is what i have obj/overlays Barrier icon = 'Barrier.dmi' layer = MOB_LAYER+1 mob proc Barrier() usr.overlays+=/obj/overlays/Barrier ok. i have a verb but when i click it nothing happens can someone tell me why it does that and help me fix it Thanks again CloneGoku |
CloneGoku wrote:
um ignore that last post for some reason it posted while i was typing sorry Are you making the barrier proc into a verb? or do you have a different verb for it? |
CloneGoku wrote:
i had a verb for it and when i clicked the verb nothing happened so can u put a verb in for me? Well what did you do in the verb to call the Barrier proc? |
i made a NPC that teachs the spell and put
mob WiseMan Learn() set src in oview(1) switch(input("Want to learn Barrier?"."Spell")in list("Yes","No") if("Yes") usr.verbs+= new /mob/proc/Barrier if("No") usr<<"OK COME AGAIN!" ..() |
mob Almost right. You want usr.overlays += new /obj/overlays/Barrier |
CloneGoku wrote:
ok now i need to put it in a verb,Please help me What you were doing before (usr.verbs += /mob/proc/Barrier) worked fine, if it was properly indented. |
ok. now i have a different problem, i got it working and found that when i used barrier it went on top of my person,so..i turn them into underlays but it still over layed,i think it has something to do with the layer = MOB_LAYER+1 if it is what would i change that to or if it isnt what d i do??
CloneGoku wrote:
ok. now i have a different problem, i got it working and found that when i used barrier it went on top of my person,so..i turn them into underlays but it still over layed,i think it has something to do with the layer = MOB_LAYER+1 if it is what would i change that to or if it isnt what d i do?? Yup. If you want it to appear on the level you explicitly give it, use FLOAT_LAYER. Or if you want an exact level I'd try MOB_LAYER - 0.5. Anyway, I've been naughty, so no freebies. =P |
You would have to run a check to see if they have a certain key like so: