I need to Delete a Mob that is 1 left (or 1 right) of the player


I need to Delete a Obj that is 1 left (or 1 right) of the player

Any Ideas
Pillsverry wrote:
I need to Delete a Mob that is 1 left (or 1 right) of the player


I need to Delete a Obj that is 1 left (or 1 right) of the player

Any Ideas

Yes, look up get_step() and turn() like I told you a while ago. =P

turn(usr.dir,-90) will give you the direction to the left of usr.
turn(usr.dir,90) will give you the direction to the right of usr.
get_step(usr, dir) will return the turf that is in dir from usr.

Thus, you need to find the turf in the direction to the left of the usr.

var/turf/myturf = //fill in the blank here

Then, look through that turf and delete the mob/obj that is there.

for(var/mob/M in myturf)
//fill in the blank here