i want to make it so a player starts as neutrla which i have already done my problem is i need a verb for GMs to ask players wether they want to join good or evil i need a seprate verb for each and when the player join it change there aleigance and icon please help
Oct 28 2001, 9:04 pm
In response to Foomer
ok. I want it like on DWO. Sorry for not using perdios to make it hard to read.
CloneGoku |
In response to CloneGoku
Well, I'll assume you gave each mob an "alignment" variable and work from there.
This verb will give the targetted mob a choice to change to either good or evil, or decline the offer to change. <FONT COLOR=silver> mob/GM/proc/Align(mob/M as mob in view()) This next proc will give them a chance to join the side of good... <FONT COLOR=silver> mob/GM/proc/JoinGood(mob/M as mob in view()) This proc will also work for evil, just change the names and settings from "Good" to "Evil". Now, I don't know what kind of GM functions you are using, but I would turn these procs into verbs by giving them to a player at login, after checking their key to insure they are on your admin list. <FONT COLOR=silver>
usr.verbs += /mob/GM/proc/JoinGood
etc... Keep in mind I haven't tested any of these, so they might not totally work right... |
In response to Foomer
Thanks if they Don't work i will post again, or if i have any error or questions.
CloneGoku |
In response to CloneGoku
Actually, you could also do it using an alert proc, which would probably be better.
<FONT COLOR=silver> mob/verb/JoinEvil(mob/M as mob in view()) Also, if you get any errors, you'd probably be better off looking the procs up in the reference (on the menu over to your left) and looking at the intended format, then compare it with the proc you have in your game. Trying to figure out the problems for yourself will prove to make things a lot easier for you in the future. |
In response to Foomer
This is not so. It should be if("Accept") Good day. |
In response to Lord of Water
Bah, see what happens when you take code snippets for people? They always screw something up so that it doesn't work right. Now if it weren't for LoW's fixing it for you, you would have been stuck with a code snippet that didn't work right unless you knew how to fix it yourself.
In response to Foomer
......I do not copy what im told and paste it into my code to use,but i do make a sperate code file where i put the stuff i get stuck with using /*then*/ to look at while i am programming my game
CloneGoku |
Well you could make a bump proc for when some one bumps into you. so make the guys get to where they can reach where you are and them just have them walk into you
In response to Richter
Well then anyone could join Evil or good by walking into me that would be pointless,as people join and you dont want them to.....they still can join
In response to CloneGoku
ok i have encountered a problem.
here is my joinClones code: JoinClone(mob/M as mob in oview(5)) set category = "Specials" switch(alert("Would you like to join the all powerful CloneGoku?",,"Yes","No")) if("Yes") world<< "[M.name] Has Join The Clones!!" M.ally = "Clone" if("No") world<<"[M.name] Declined The powerful CloneGoku" But when i choose the verb JoinClone It alerts e on my screen and i get to choose wether they want to join or not. The other player gets no option at all... whats wrong?can you help? CloneGoku |
In response to CloneGoku
Yeah, make it...
switch(alert(M,"Would you like to join CloneGoku?",,"Yes","No")) Or something like that then. Whenever you have problems like this, look up the proc you are using in the reference and it will show you how to change things like who the proc effects, etc... |
In response to Foomer
hmm ok i use the reference often and it does help,Thanks my JoinClone Works now
CloneGoku |
In response to CloneGoku
CloneGoku wrote:
hmm ok i use the reference often and it does help,Thanks my JoinClone Works now Few things about your posts: 1.Don't use html unless you're pointing out something and not just for the fun of it. 2.Close your html tags when you do use html. |
In response to Nadrew
In response to CloneGoku
make it so when your good or evil you cant change
Also, please use periods. It makes it much easier for the person trying to understand what you wrote.