ok.. In my code, when you equip an item. Its supposed to show the layer on the character. But it wont show up. It equips just fine. but it dosent show on the character. Also i get no errors. can you please explain whats wrong with my code?
heres the code:
set src in usr
if(usr.chest == "")
usr.chest = src
usr.chest = src.basetype
usr.defense += src.defense
alert("Somethings already equipped.!","Sorry")
overlays += src
heres the src. The "Totus Armor"
icon = 'totusarmor.dmi'
basetype = "armor"
defense = 5
price = 95
![]() Nov 17 2001, 6:09 am
![]() Nov 17 2001, 7:27 am
I don't recall "ARMOR_LAYER" being one of the defined layers. What you probably want is something like "MOB_LAYER+1" which will place it just above the layer your mob is on.
no ARMOR_LAYER does work because when you set a verb to the icon go on the ARMOR_LAYER it shows just fine. i think my problem is in the equipping itself.