box = image ('grass.dmi',(x-1,usr.y - 1,usr.z))
usr << box
any ideas on how to get it to show an Image() that is -1x,-1y from the usr?
Nov 18 2001, 3:10 pm
nice, but i`m trying to do an image, so that only the usr can see it
OMG i`m spelling user usr now |
In response to Pillsverry
ok in that case you should try doing this:
var/blehx = usr.x - 1 var/blehy = usr.y - 1 var/box = Image('Icon.dmi',blehx,blehy,usr.z) or somthing along those lines. Its messy but might work :) |
In response to Rcet
Challenge(mob/M in oview(4))
if(M.client) switch(alert("Are you sure you want to challenge [M]?",,"Yes","No")) if("Yes") switch(alert(M,"[usr] has challenged you! Accecpt?",,"Yes","No")) if("Yes") usr << "World: soon the Challengign will be implamented!" M << "World: soon the Challengign will be implamented!" if("No") ..() if("No") ..() else usr << "World: Silly [usr]! you can`t Challenge NPCs!" obj/chal icon = 'chip2.dmi' icon_state = "challenge" name = "Challenge" Click() usr.Challenge() stat(new /obj/chal) . /|\in no particular order i keep getting: runtime error: Cannot read null.client. verb name: Challenge (/mob/verb/Challenge) source file:,31 usr: Pillsverry (/mob/davis) src: Pillsverry (/mob/davis) call stack: Pillsverry (/mob/davis): Challenge(null) Challenge (/obj/chal): Click("General") I realize it says null but if i try mob/M in oview(4) or mob/M as mob in oview(4) in the obj/chal/click: usr.Challenge() (please note that is not code) i get: var var when compiling and for those of you that say "its easy" or "look in the help file or FAQ" please read my post more carefully |
In response to Pillsverry
Pillsverry wrote:
OMG i`m spelling user usr now LOL! I have done that myself! Before you know it, you'll be talking to your teachers in DM code and refering to yourself as mob/Pillsverry LOL! ~X |
I havnt done this but you can try:
src.x = usr.x - 1
src.y = usr.x - 1
Just a thought...