![]() Nov 30 2001, 9:23 pm
I know how to put a donate verb in a game. But what I would like to know is how I could incorporate that into a website. So that visitors could click a donate button on my site, pick an amount of dimes to donate, and they would be transfered to my account.
Well, I used to have my byond website set up so that when users tried to get into a certain part of it, they'd get a secure popup asking for their key and password. So if you had a site hosted with byond, it should be possible.
Z |
The BYONDime payment system also provides an order-based system. It is similar to the realtime PayDimes() transaction, but instead of returning an immediate response, it creates an order record and notifies you via email that you have orders waiting.
Orders can be placed through a BYOND world or from a web page. First you have to visit your BYOND Shop page to add a product. That is easy. Then you have to provide an interface for people to place orders. That's easy too. Here are two ways to do it: In a BYOND World mob/verb/buyit() usr << link("") In a Web Page <form method=post action => <input type=hidden name=product value=123> <input type=submit value='Buy It BYOND!'> </form> //info from the Start Here page. useing byond CGI im sure you can get it to work with PayDimes also. |
Xooxer wrote:
Not possible. Why? Becuase it would require your website to know the donator's key. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm not about to enter my password to my key anywhere except for Dream Seeker and the BYOND login form. > Would it be possible to have it check for the cookie that the Byond forum uses and get the key from that? Eliminating the need to have to enter in your keyname. I would use PayPal but they require verification with a credit card or bank account. Since Im only 15 I dont have a credit card or checking account. My parents are to nervous about giving that info out so they wouldnt let me use their's. I figured the Byond Dime system would be the next best thing. |