![]() Dec 1 2001, 2:12 pm (Edited on Dec 1 2001, 5:01 pm)
ok i've been making icons but they wont show up in the objects tab so cant create a world what am i doing wrong?
i already had them in the but i didn't have that line saying icon_state = wall now there all showing up thanx a lot.but i still have a problem though i cant ove is there a code for that as well?
Thats not an easy question to answer unless your just asking for the stumblnig around monsters till they get within view() of you and then its Monster.loc -= or += Your.loc accournd to the x,y coordinates.
Then under my code section (*.DM) I would add this hopefully in a well organized // Objects go here area.
// OBJs
name = "clay vase"
icon = 'vase.dmi'
density = 1
This sets up the properties for the vase as well as delcaring it an object in the game, therefore linking your nice little icon to the game code itself. Also setting the density = 1 makes it so if the vase is in that tile no one can move there, change it to 0 and they can walk over the objects.
Also when you go back to edit your map, you'll notice a + next to the OBJ section on the left there, click on it to expand it and there you'll see you vase icon showing up now ,just click on it to add 1 or many vases in your can.
The defining of an object can get more complex than this, I just gave you a basic area to start from. Also learn how to better organize your icons if your game is gonna have more than 20. For instance, you still define the objects by themselves. But use icon_state = "blue vase" etc and put all your icons under 1 icon file per type of items like vases.dmi. I just redid most my graphics like this now using the icon_state. To give it a state, under the icon editor, right click the vase, you should have more than one pic in the icon file, and edit state, what ever name you give it there say, blue_vase, is what you'd add to your code like say under icon = 'vase.dmi', the next line would read-> icon_state = "blue_vase". An extra line of code but worth it for the organizational factor. I've now got a game with well over 75+ icons and still growing!