im using Rons Combat System just to check it out, but theres something wrong, on mostgames when you die, you respawn back at the beginning or at hell/heaven. but this one you just sit there dead and cant move even, im not sure how to make a respawn type of code, if anyone can help me, thanx.
Dec 8 2001, 6:44 am
I put this on my list to add in the future, but for now I will get all snooty on you and say:
- Please don't post the same message in multiple areas. If you realize there is a better place to post it, go back and delete the original.
- The demo shows you how to do a number of things, but not if you want respawning, the first step is to think about the steps that would be involved and then figure out how to code them. That's exactly what I'll do when I add it to the it's something you have to learn to do eventually.
If you have any trouble with it, list the steps you come up with and I'll help you through it.