i am working on a party system and i am doing ok on it bt i need help woth one thing Here it is

when they join the party i want them to always be behind the usr
i tried
once they clik join it asks them if they want to join someone in oview()
well i have it set if they say yah the usr.loc=locate(M.x,M.y+1,M.z)
well i got a runitme error
but it took me there and when the person move i well...sort of didnt
but i am wroking on it right now
so if you could show me a way that could be done or direct me to a lib that does that i would be very greatful

instead of locating the usr to the target, use walk_to(src,M,0,0). Walk_to will have the usr go to the target and since the target is dense, the usr can't go into the target and walk_to will continuously follow your target. For more info on walk_to you can look it up in the reference.