I wondering how i could make it so when some one walks through a door (when its open) and when they walk all the way through, how would i make it close right away
after they have walked through it
Dec 22 2001, 12:41 pm
In response to Foomer
well i looked them up and that really didnt help at all becuase i dont understand how i could make it so when you walk through a door it replaces the door when a person has walked through it
well any ways would i do something like this obj door icon = 'door.dmi' density = 1 verb Open if(usr.key>=1) var/obj/key/k = locate() in usr.contents if(k) del (k) del src else usr<<"You need a key for that!" if(Entered()) This is where i get stuck at so can someone please help thanx |
In response to Greg
I don't know what the heck your if(Entered()) line is supposed to do, did you actually READ the information in the reference? Look at this example, for example:
mob var weight max_weight = 50 Entered(obj/O) weight += O.weight Exited(obj/O) weight -= O.weight Enter(obj/O) //only allow entrance if weight is within the limit if(O.weight + weight <= max_weight) return ..() Consider looking at it and trying to understand what the Entered, Exited, and Enter procs are actually doing in that example. If you want to know how to make a door that locks and unlocks when you use a key, that's a totally different question. |
Look up those procs.