I don't mind Wendy's too much. Though, if I get their nuggets then they need to be the basically off-menu spicy ones.
Fugsnarf wrote:
I don't mind Wendy's too much. Though, if I get their nuggets then they need to be the basically off-menu spicy ones. It's been a while since I've gone out to eat. I usually just eat my mom's cooking. Speaking of which.. It's been about 2 years since I've had McDonalds. |
Fugsnarf wrote:
Keep it that way. McDonald's is terrible. It tastes good and fills you up easily. But, I just hate what it does to your body. It didn't make me feel right. While I've never gained weight with the 2 burgers a day I used to eat and the caramel frappe too.. I just knew something wasn't right about what it was doing to my body. Whenever I played sports, I felt sluggish. So, I stopped eating junk food altogether (with the exception of some treats every few months). |
McDonald's is terrible. Everything you can buy food-wise for under $25 a head is terrible. Do yourself a favor and learn to cook. It's incredibly easy and once you start to get a hang of it, you can stop following recipes and just make stuff up off the top of your head. Nobody knows your tastes better than you. You are your own best personal chef. |
Ter13 wrote:
Do yourself a favor and learn to cook. I cook some small meals every now and then. Nothing fancy. Mainly breakfast means. I've never cooked dinner. I may actually attempt it sometime in the near future. |
I'm a microwave chef. I eat TV dinners, sandwiches, frozen pizza, hash browns, sausage, noodles, pretty much anything that can go into a microwave.
I honestly would probably make a lot of money making a microwave recipe book because I can make just about anything in the microwave. I make my own vanilla lattes, eggs, multiple rice dishes, I even make facial masks in the microwave and they seem to work better than Proactiv on pimples. I'm seriously a freakin bause. |
Ter13 wrote:
The sad part is that nobody took the bait. Probably because nobody even saw it. I don't want to hear it... I was probably older then, than you are now :P |
I don't want to hear it... I was probably older then, than you are now If you are 41 or older, that's true. I was as old as most of our users are now on 9/11. It's actually pretty much a little right of center between when I was born and today. |
Ter13 wrote:
If you are 41 or older, that's true. Turned 47 a couple weeks ago. My step-son will be 30 this year. And my youngest is now driving... EDIT: I made this for my youngest when he was about 4. Sheesh. |
Turned 47 a couple weeks ago. My step-son will be 30 this year. And my youngest is now driving Yeah... I'm avoiding breeding. It's like old-timey cloning, and frankly I don't care for the ethical ramifications of duplicating human beings. Being responsible for myself is scary enough without having to add a larval human into the mix. Had no idea you were in your 30s when I first met you. The more you know. EDIT: I remember when you made that coloring book app. You were like, the god of dealing with custom colors and stuff at the time. Good times. |
Back on topic... I enjoy cooking quite a bit. I made some Spanish bean soup for dinner yesterday, which was pretty good but could have used a bit more seasoning. Also made a really good peanut butter pie for dessert :) I probably cook about four or five nights a week.
I don't cook because using a stove is too much trouble. I usually burn myself or splash vegetable oil all over the place. With the microwave I just put it in and within 2 minutes, bam, meal time.
One time I tried to fry some potatoes and almost burned the house down. I turned one of the burners on but didn't realize there was a paper plate next to the burner ( the light bulb was out in the kitchen so I couldn't see everything ). So I walk back into my room to surf a little bit while I'm waiting for it to heat up, and all of a sudden I'm smelling something weird. I look up and I can see smoke pouring out of the kitchen. I'm thinking to myself "HOLY !#$%, Dad's going to freaking murder me." I turn into Usain Bolt and ran into the kitchen faster than lightning. The paper plate is literally in flames and is starting to spread to the condiment table in the kitchen where we keep our plates, towels, seasonings, etc. So I'm in complete panic mode at this point, and I just grab another plate and start fanning the flames out. Then it got even worse - I totally forgot that my Dad had a soup on the stove as well with no cover over it, and it wasn't until it was too late that I realized I was actually fanning the ashes from the paper plate directly onto his soup. I'm pretty much pissing my underwear at this point. Not only is a fourth of the kitchen in flames, but I've also just ruined my Dad's dinner and my Dad takes food very seriously. I get the flames out, and then try to assess the situation. Ashes are everywhere, house smells terrible, Dad's dinner is screwed, my dinner is delayed, and I only have 5 minutes to make the house appear as if nothing happened before Dad shows up. I grab the broom and start sweeping the ashes frantically out of the back door. I tried to get the ashes out of the vegetable oil but I was just making an even bigger mess splashing oil over the stove, so I just tried to blow onto the ashes and cause them to dissipate. Then I dash into the living room and grab the Febreeze and I literally sprayed the entire bottle trying to get the smell of burned paper out of the house. With most of the evidence gone, Dad pulls up in the driveway. I try to act cool. Not even 5 seconds after he walks into the house: "What's that I'm smelling?" Immediately the jig is up so I just admit to what happened instead of trying to lie my way out of it. "Uh, yeah, so, I like, tried to, you know, make some potatoes and stuff caught on fire." He walked over to the stove, peering down into his soup with ashes floating around in it, and just face palmed. Like, the level of fail was so immense, he couldn't even muster the strength to kick my ass. He just walked out of the kitchen shaking his head in disappointment. I felt like the biggest retard in the world. That is why I don't cook things. |
I actually rarely cooked anything until last year. Before that point, I always had easy access to meals either at another college's cafeteria, my mom, or someone else. Currently I have no such luxury, but I discovered that cooking for myself is its own kind of luxury. As Ter said, you are your own best personal chef.
My parents were seriously worried that I'd be living off of peanut butter and ramen, but I found that I quite enjoyed cooking. If I have questions about anything, I look up recipes and general wisdom online. Two years in and people treat me like I'm some kind of professional chef. Not even close, but I like to have fun with it. As far as frying goes, since I don't have a deep fryer or a desire to buy tons of oil, I personally use the oven for those kinds of things so I don't splatter everywhere -- not to mention I can use a lot less oil. I usually make oven fries once or twice a week from potatoes that I cut myself. A small bit of oil and salt goes a long way. |
But doesn't the oven take forever? I'm not an expert but usually when I read food labels, stove and microwave are quick but oven is like, "cook on x temperature for 30 minutes".
Ain't nobody got time for dat. As my Dad always tells me, "Make sure you find a woman that can cook." |
Well, whether it's you or your woman, you're going to have to be willing to wait if you want a good meal.
Or you can just keep using your microwave. |
I find cooking to be a very relaxing activity '.'
there's nothing like the heat of a stove and the scent of good food.. |
str8 flexin