Good god. It's like the Nexus on steroids.
wait i finally understand what hes saying.
i think hes suggesting that the north, south, east and west-most points of the planet ( so i guess if you took the globe and put a pin at the top, bottom and sides ) those particular points would all end a 24 hour day at different times and not simultaneously. the only problem is, we have time zones, so that kinda means no one believes that the time is the same all around the world in the first place, so im not sure who hes refuting. |
Zecronious wrote:
Xirre you can talk, you're one of the biggest trolls around. This, but I'm sure many of you have created alt keys just to troll like he and Lavitz did. |
A.T.H.K wrote:
Zecronious wrote: Dude, it was a one time thing. Stop bringing it up. My god. We had good intentions!!! Edit: Well, I did. |
Zecronious wrote:
Xirre you can talk, you're one of the biggest trolls around. Am not. ET is. I just have my moments when I have to release my tension. |
Zecronious wrote:
'one of' you're second Not even sure how I compare to Dev and Galactic. If anything, they beat me by a long shot. Yes, I admit I've had some fun in the past. But, recently, I haven't done anything. I promise. |
Xirre wrote:
Dude, it was a one time thing. Stop bringing it up. My god. We had good intentions!!! If you truly wanted the community to pick up it's game you'd all stop acting so childish in every post (I'm also applicable to this, which I've been working on.) and actually help people. It's quite simple really, I think the main problem is the large generation gaps between all of the members. |
A.T.H.K wrote:
Xirre wrote: Yes, everything on these forums now'a days that even starts constructive inevitably leads to someone trying to be the funny guy. Its funny sometimes but when its like every thread it just becomes childish. BYONDers break the #1 internet rule every day, dont feed the trolls. They'll just come back for more like little puppies. Didnt even want to post this knowing it wont be taken seriously but oh well. |
DarkeWarrior wrote:
A.T.H.K wrote: I took it very seriously. And I think that on BYOND there are some issues with people leaving serious posts serious and joking posts for jokes. There's a time and place for everything and if you continue to derail everything that comes in to existence, nobody will get anywhere. I also, say this very seriously with the knowledge that some may not take it seriously. One of the main reasons why I even bother acting childish is because if something isn't going your way, why fight it? You'll only wear yourself out. If it's not working in one place, try somewhere else. As I have with many things I've done around here. And it turned out successful for me. It's completely separated from BYOND because of past issues. |
Tonight I cooked some chicken in olive oil with a taco-esque mix of spices I made up. I steamed a whole wheat tortilla and rolled up the chicken with some sriracha, lettuce, and cheese. It was quite good. I also paired it with some junmai daiginjo sake I bought the other day, which is very delicate and delicious. I don't think it really complemented the meal very much, but I would feel terrible letting it go to waste. A very nice dinner, if I do say so myself -- especially considering I'm on a college budget.
Tonight I cooked some chicken in olive oil with a taco-esque mix of spices I made up. I steamed a whole wheat tortilla and rolled up the chicken with some sriracha, lettuce, and cheese. It was quite good. I also paired it with some junmai daiginjo sake I bought the other day, which is very delicate and delicious. I don't think it really complemented the meal very much, but I would feel terrible letting it go to waste. A very nice dinner, if I do say so myself -- especially considering I'm on a college budget. That sounds good. I have taken to buying whole chickens in bulk recently. I roasted one and ate the whole thing in one sitting. I feel like a fatty now. I feel like I'm trolling by actually going back to the original topic we were supposed to be talking about... |
Well, either the trolly comments and/or discussion on how bad BYOND's community is can continue, or we can go back to the OP's topic and talk about food. I personally like the latter option.
So, Ter, what kind of place do you go to buy your whole chickens? |
Xirre wrote:
A.T.H.K wrote: Don't make me take screenshots. ;) |
So, Ter, what kind of place do you go to buy your whole chickens? BJ's wholesale. They are like, $1 a pound. You can get them for $0.75 a pound elsewhere, but you have to gut them and deal with the neck and gizzard. Honestly, I prefer to buy the whole chicken already gutted and split them down the middle with a santoku (cleaner cut than a butcher's knife. If you don't have a santoku, get one. They are awesome.) and cook them a half at a time. |
Lavitiz wrote:
Xirre wrote: And after that last image A.T.H.K and I convinced Xirre that Tom was coming after the both of us. Lmao. Anyways, don't act innocent bro. Own up to your actions. 8D |
Good God...