Problem description:
There ain't necessarily a problem but the black lines on the map is annoying and irritating, I always wanted to figure out a code, that automatically does the Map Size for the person, creating best fit. If someone could provide this code, I would be really happy.
In response to Fushimi
Well, Yeah I'm going to test that code to see if you are right but, let me explain more in depth. So you understand where I'm trying to a little bit more. Basically, when you login to a game, You have your map area, but, with my game the map area has like black lines due to the Height and Width not really being the same. So I was wondering, if it is possible to get rid of them / make them less noticeable as possible with some Coding or Interface Editing.
I already gave you the two solutions, both, interface and coding-wise, that may surely fix your issue.
If your issue persists after setting your map control's anchors to "None" (which is surely the problem), you will have to maybe post a screen shot. |
In response to Fushimi
Thanks, for the answer. Let me quickly go ahead and do that now ^.^ I'll Prt-Scrn or etc. if anything comes up.
Angel has a modified version of Finale/whatever you call it, which has a default view of something like 11 and then players manually have to adjust it to get rid of the black space.
You can either change the colour of the map in the interface to be a different colour or alternatively you can create a small code linked to the Client/New() process which maximizes the clients window, get's the size of the map and then judges what view the player should have based on tile size and the size of the map. |
In response to Kaliba
Due to me only certain areas of BYOND Coding, and Rushing when I had all the time in the world to learn it, I don't really know how to do that.
proc/getSize(client/client, control) Just go to your main interface and put as on-resize command: adjustMyScreen "yourmapcontrolname" Also when the client connects, call getScreenResolution(src, "yourmapcontrolname") |
The Skin Reference has everything that you need, you just need to read through it properly.
Winget, Winset and client.view are all you should need to use. is-maximised for winset, size for winget and the rest should start falling into place. Edit: Or Fushimi could do your work for you... (; |
In response to Fushimi
Thanks alot, I'll be able to analyse this in my spare time ^.^
In response to Kaliba
Thanks, I'll be sure to read this in my spare time, in fact... Let me print this out for when I'm in school.
I am in the mood to program, lol, sadly it's 8am, didn't sleep, and I have to go to school lol
In response to Fushimi
Same over here, I'm so tired but, I have to go school. Ive been trying to get resources, so I can code properly.
There are pretty good sources for learning in the Tutorials & Snippets section, which will surely insight you addressing further problems.
In response to Fushimi
Yeah, I think I'm just going to have to slow down my pace, and go through things carefully. Thanks for the referencs and everything ! ^.^
- view="13x17" changing the x value(13) and the y value(17) will eliminate the black bars. Honestly you shouldnt need an automated process as your map size shouldnt be bigger for another user than it is for you unless you can change the size of your map. Which If you were doing something like that I wouldn't reccomend in the first place I had the same problem with those black bars, took a while before I learnt that my view was just not done properly because i didn't understand it |
In order to solve this, you can set the anchors for the map control to None on everything, making the control to be static, hence the black lines will disappear as the control won't scale on different resolutions.
If you are talking about the lines on the map, when you get to the (world.maxx, world.maxy) coordinates, you will have to set client/perspective = EDGE_PERSPECTIVE
With the little info you have supplied, this is the best I can do.