this code is right i think but it always come up with expression expression
Magic(mob/attacker as mob, mob/target as mob)
usr << "Which spell do you want to use?"
var/list/Magic = list("Thunder", "Ice Blast")
var/CombatOp2 = input(usr, "What do you wish to do?", "Thunder", "Ice Blast") in Magic
switch (CombatOp2)
if ("Thunder")
usr << "A giant lighting blot apears in your hand and then it zaps the enemy with a giant force!"
target.hp -= 4
npcdeathcheck(attacker, target)
if ("Ice Blast")
if (usr.iceblastmemorized = 1\\here is where the error occurs
usr << "A frosty ice blast shots at the enemy and freezes him!"
target.hp -= 5
npcdeathcheck(attacker, target)
else(usr.thundermemorized = 0)
usr << "You havent Memorized that spell!"
![]() Feb 16 2002, 7:21 pm
okee dokey
//Check battlearea of usr and run randomencounter proc for that area when move Move() switch(onbattlefield) if ("battlearea1") randomencounter1(src) return ..() else return ..() //Battlearea as a variable so it can be assigned to the player mob/var/turf/battlearea mob/proc //25% chance of searching for unoccupied area and beginning combat. randomencounter1(mob/M as mob) var/turf/battlearea/T if(prob(5)) for(T in world) if(!T.occupied) M <<sound('music/Town1.mid',1) T.occupied = 1 M.oldlocx = M.x M.oldlocy = M.y M.oldlocz = M.z M.battlearea = T spawn(1)M.Move(usr.battlearea) M.oldbattlefield = M.onbattlefield M.onbattlefield = null M << "Fight!" M << "Click on the monster you wish to attack to start" spawn(1)new /mob/Monster3(locate(M.battlearea.x,M.battlearea.y+4,M.battle area.z)) return 1 return 0 //Maincombat proc called on Click() for the monster. Gives options and stuff. maincombat(mob/attacker as mob, mob/target as mob) var/list/CombatOps1 = list("Attack", "Run", "Magic") var/CombatOp1 = input(usr, "What do you wish to do?", "Combat", "Attack") in CombatOps1 switch (CombatOp1) if ("Attack") attack(attacker, target) if ("Run") flee(attacker, target) if ("Magic") Magic(attacker, target) //attacker chose attack on main menu, see if hit or miss, if hit go to damage proc attack(mob/attacker as mob, mob/target as mob) attacker << "You chose to attack [src]" if(prob(attacker.hit - target.evade)) normaldamage(attacker, target) else attacker << "You miss!" npcattack1(attacker, target) //usr choses flee on main combat menu, return to oldloc and clear battle vars if success flee(mob/attacker as mob, mob/target as mob) if (rand(1,3) == 1) attacker << "You successfuly run from [target]" endbattle(attacker) del(target) else attacker << "You failed to run and loose a turn!" npcattack1(attacker, target) //You didn't think you'd get a fully working magic system in my demo, did you? Magic(mob/attacker as mob, mob/target as mob) usr << "Which spell do you want to use?" var/list/Magic = list("Thunder", "Ice Blast") var/CombatOp2 = input(usr, "What do you wish to do?", "Thunder", "Ice Blast") in Magic switch (CombatOp2) if ("Thunder") if (usr.thundermemorized == 1) usr << "A giant lighting blot apears in your hand and then it zaps the enemy with a giant force!" target.hp -= 4 npcdeathcheck(attacker, target) if ("Ice Blast") if (usr.iceblastmemorized == 1) usr << "A frosty ice blast shots at the enemy and freezes him!" target.hp -= 5 npcdeathcheck(attacker, target) //Deal damage normaldamage(mob/attacker as mob, mob/target as mob) var/maxdamage = attacker.attack - target.defense - (target.agility / 15) var/damage = rand ((maxdamage / 2), maxdamage) if (damage <= 0) attacker << "You miss! (0 dmg)" npcattack1(attacker, target) else attacker << "You hit [src] for [damage] points of damage with a normal attack!" target.hp -= damage npcdeathcheck(attacker, target) //Time for the monster to attack If miss go back to maincombat. npcattack1(mob/defender as mob, mob/monster as mob) if (prob (monster.hit)) defender << "The [monster] attacks you and hits!" var/maxdamage = monster.attack - (defender.defense / 4) - (defender.agility / 20) var/damage = rand ((maxdamage / 2), maxdamage) if (damage <= 0) defender << "The attack bounces harmlessly off you." maincombat(defender, monster) else defender << "Hit for [damage] damage!" defender.hp -= damage playerdeathcheck(defender, monster) else defender << "The [monster] attacks you and misses!" maincombat(defender, monster) //Return the user to their original loc and clear battle variables. endbattle(mob/M as mob) var/turf/battlearea/T = M.battlearea T.occupied = 0 M.battlearea = null M.loc = locate(M.oldlocx,M.oldlocy,M.oldlocz) M.onbattlefield = M.oldbattlefield M.oldbattlefield = null M.oldlocx = null M.oldlocy = null M.oldlocz = null checklevel(M) area\enteredbattlezone Entered() usr.enteredbattles = 1 area\enteredbattlezone Exited() usr.enteredbattles = 0 mob/proc //P for player, M for mob. :) Check to see if death and reward stuff. npcdeathcheck(mob/P as mob, mob/M as mob) if (M.hp <= 0) P << "You have killed the [M]!" P.exp += M.expreward alert(P, "You gain [M.expreward] exp and [M.wealthreward] money,", "Victory!") P.wealth += M.wealthreward endbattle(P) del (M) //NPC is still alive, so attack. else npcattack1(P, M) //reverse of the above, 1/2 exp loss penalty. playerdeathcheck(mob/P as mob, mob/M as mob) if (P.hp <=0) alert (P, "You have been killed by the [M]!") P.exp -= (P.exp / 2) P.loc = locate(22, 5, 1) //Change this to where you want dead people to respawn var/turf/battlearea/T = P.battlearea T.occupied = 0 P.battlearea = null P.onbattlefield = null P.oldbattlefield = null P.hp = 1 del (M) //Player is still alive, so go back to main combat menu else maincombat(P, M) //Just a very basic level system to make the combat actualy do something. mob proc checklevel(mob/M as mob) if (M.exp >= M.expreq) levelup(M) levelup(mob/M as mob) M << "You gain a level! You are now level [M.level + 1]!" if (usr.hit <= 100) usr.hit += rand(5,10) M.attack += rand(1, 5) M.defense += rand(1,3) M.agility += rand(1, 3) M.evade += rand(1, 3) M.maxhp += 10 + rand (5,10) M.lvl += 1 M.meelee += 1 M.magic += 1 M.exp = 0 usr.expreq += 150 usr.hp = usr.maxhp Memorize_Thunder() //Define all the vars mob/var agility attack defense evade expreq expreward hit hp level oldbattlefield oldlocx oldlocy oldlocz onbattlefield wealth wealthreward enteredbattles mob hp = 50 level = 1 expreq = 150 hit = 75 evade = 50 agility = 25 defense = 15 attack = 15 wealth = 100 oldbattlefield onbattlefield Monster3 icon = 'orc.dmi' expreward = 15 wealthreward = 5 attack = 7 defense = 8 agility = 5 hit = 65 evade = 2 hp = 10 //This is where the main combat is called from Click() maincombat(usr, src) /*Heres where the special area is. As you can see, it sets usr.onbattielf when entering, and clears it when exiting. If you want to use more than one battlearea, you will have to put spaces between them.*/ area battlearea1 Enter() spawn()usr.onbattlefield = "battlearea1" return 1 Exit() usr.onbattlefield = null return 1 //Fill the battle areas with invisible wall to prevent player from moving. //DO NOT put on the actual battlearea (blue) turf though. invisiblewall density = 1 turf grass icon = 'grass.dmi' void icon = 'void.dmi' battlearea icon = 'Battlearea.dmi' var/occupied |
if (usr.iceblastmemorized = 1\\here is where the error occurs
should be