how do i make it so if u can't affored something at a store it will not let u buy it? in my game it just says it and gives u the thing anyway. it also makes the money go into the negatives. If someone could help me i'd appriciate it.
P.S.- were can i find code to allow GM's to make a Clan and let other people join them by me making them part of it??
![]() Feb 25 2002, 1:36 pm (Edited on Feb 25 2002, 1:46 pm)
when i used ur code it poped up w/ 2 errors
1: a constant expression 2: expression |
I beleive this should work.
mob/var/cash = 100 |
all i really need is the code so if the amount of money is less then the cost of the object then it won't let u have it. here is my Bed code
turf Inn_Bed icon = 'bed.dmi' verb Sleep() set src in oview(1) switch(input("U look a little tired. Do u want to sleep for 100 dollers???","???")in list("Yes","No")) if("Yes") usr.Health = usr.MaxHealth -= 100 if("No") usr<<"u don't feel like sleeping" ..() i have it working it just puts u in the negatives if u have less then 100 gold |
Inn_Bed icon = 'bed.dmi' verb Sleep() set src in oview(1) switch(input("U look a little tired. Do u want to sleep for 100 dollers???","???")in list("Yes","No")) if("Yes") if(<=0) return else usr.Health = usr.MaxHealth -= 100 if("No") usr<<"u don't feel like sleeping" ..() |
now i'm poping up w/ an error on
usr<<"u don't feel like sleeping" the error says "if" or "else" what should i do?? |
Here you go I typed you one up.
turf/Inn_Bed icon='bed.dmi' verb Sleep() set src in oview(1) switch(alert("Would you like to sleep for 100 dollars?","Sleep","Yes","No")) if("Yes") if(<=0 && < 99) return else usr.Health=usr.MaxHealth return if("No") return |
ok it finally didn't pop up w/ errors but now when i sleep it takes my gold still even though i only had 10 gold making it -90. it gave me the health too but now i'm in the negatives w/ money.
so in the end what should it look like i got 9 errors they were all Inconsistent indentation. but one empty 'else' clause.
i know that but what about the empty 'else' clause i'm not as stupid that i wouldn't know what to do w/ a Inconsistent indentation. error
Inn_Bed icon = 'bed.dmi' verb Sleep() set src in oview(1) switch(input("U look a little tired. Do u want to sleep for 100 dollers???","???")in list("Yes","No")) if("Yes") if(<=0) return if(<99) return if(>=100) usr.Health = usr.MaxHealth -= 100 return if("No") usr<<"u don't feel like sleeping" return There you go also I suggest you study DM more than what you have so you will be more independent than interdependent. |
Super16 wrote:
if("Yes") Just as a side note, this is rather drawn out. If the users gold is under 99, it won't matter if its under 0. One if() statement removed. And if it gets to if(>=100) that means is over 99 because it didnt exit the verb, so that if() statement is useless as well. Too many useless if() statements can eventually lag up a game. Alathon, effeciency is key. |
if(<=0)//if there gold is less then 0
usr<<"sorry too poor"
Remember change the gold var to your money var.