for(var/T in list)
if(T == "something")
for(var/T in list)
if(T == "something")
Ok I tried these.. They compiled ok, but still don't work :( And I've had sleep now.. I wonder whats going on wrong? The add code is same as before it gets the name there. The reason behind why I'm doing this is I want to show a listing of all the players currently on the planet. Also later in combat mode it will allow you to choose who you wish to attack while on the planet. I just need to make sure it removes the names when they leave so someone can't later get attacked while they are not actually on the planet. Below is my remove code for the test thats not working.
if(C == "Launch Ship")
M.loc = M.lastloc
M.icon_state = M.lasticon
usr << "You launch into space."
for(var/T in players)
if(T == "[]
From what I've seen he should be able to do all this fairly easily.