i need some help programming a special icon
Aleis wrote:
i need some help programming a special icon

Could we have just alittle more information as to what icon you are after having programmed into your game please?

In response to Mellifluous
i have a sage icon and i want to use it as my special icon....
so i need help programming it so its only my icon
In response to Aleis
Aleis wrote:
i have a sage icon and i want to use it as my special icon....
so i need help programming it so its only my icon

Well, this should be simple.

if(usr.key == "Aleis") // Only your key is at use here
icon = 'specialicon.dmi' // Your special icons name
icon_state = "Sage" // Your special icons state name
usr.loc = locate(x,y,z) // Change x,y,z to the location you want to start at
else // If the player isnt you then they dont get your icon
..() // Here they will do the default procedure

Please tell me if I am wrong but thats how it should go.

In response to Mellifluous
it works thanx :)
In response to Aleis
Aleis wrote:
it works thanx :)

Glad to have helped :)