When I first started byond I was under the impression that the delimiter choice was up to the coder and that it really didnt matter, well over time I have found out thats a very bad assumtion.

Could someone give me a list of all the delimiter choices and what they do(Difference between each one)?
Winbiko wrote:
When I first started byond I was under the impression that the delimiter choice was up to the coder and that it really didnt matter, well over time I have found out thats a very bad assumtion.

Could someone give me a list of all the delimiter choices and what they do(Difference between each one)?

Delimiters for what, exactly? For URL query strings? Lists?

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR



In response to Winbiko
Winbiko wrote:




Those are technically called operators, not delimiters. (The term "delimiter" is usually restricted to things separating items in a list.)

/ is the type path separator; also the division operator. Technically its use in type paths isn't like operator, but more of a basic language construct.

. and : are operators used to access vars or procs within a datum.

* is used for multiplication only.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Sorry about the term miss use.
In response to Lummox JR
wait. I was thinking about if those were operators and they are not. This is why they are not

I used them like a coder would use a '.' in c++.
In C++ it is possible to overload operators such as << or + or - or >> so on so on.

but you can not overload the


cause its not considered an operator.

In fact here is a list of all the operators that can be overloaded:

+ - * / = < > += -= *= /= << >>
<<= >>= == != <= >= ++ -- % & ^ ! |
~ &= ^= |= && || %= [] () new delete

( I got that from :

Now I can see an arguement that that first character that tells byond that you are talking about a type could be considered a operator but not the ones used to walk through the structure.

If I am wrong feel free to speak up.

In response to Winbiko
They are called path operators.

Some C++ operators may be overridden, but overiding is not a prerequisite to be an operator. Ironically the reference states "This is used to delimit paths in the DM code tree."
In response to Lummox JR
I also asked this because of this:

: operator
See also:
. operator
: path operator
This is the runtime search operator. It is used to access a property of a var that is not explicitly prototyped. If the variable doesn't have the specified variable, a run-time error occurs.

M = usr
M:name = "futz" // access a mob property from a non-mob var

and . help file says

. operator
See also:
: operator
This is used to access the procs and vars of a prototyped object. The variable need not actually contain a value with the specified type, but must at least be a type with the specified variable or a run-time error will occur, causing the proc to crash.

var/mob/M = "futz" // assign 'name' mob var
M.Move(0) // call 'Move()' mob proc

see how they are treated different?
I was wondering if there was any others.

In response to Shadowdarke
Ah ok.
I stand corrected.

Ya I just looked it up too =P

The DM operators are:

[] () . / :
~ ! - ++ --
* / %
+ -
< <= > >=
<< >>
== != <>
& ^ |
= += -= *= /= &= |= ^= <<= >>=

A bit off topic but this is cool:

? operator
See also:
Expr ? TrueExpr : FalseExpr
If Expr is true, this evaluates and returns TrueExpr. Otherwise, it evaluates and returns FalseExpr.