Bleach: World-Wide Adventures

by Critical172
Bleach: World-Wide Adventures The Original Bleach WWA Ichigo's new bankai! (dual wield zangetsu), vandenreich, and Zaraki's Shikai! Updated DailyPvP-mmorpg style Bleach game, Bleach online! not naruto
Keywords: brazil, src
Ehh, Hello. My name is Gabriel and i am from brazil.
I Have 10, 15 Friends who like Bleach, Your Game is the best for us, and i would like to translate
The Game To Brazillian, So... Can you Poste the SRC of the game for me???

I will never take the title of your game simply want to translate it, will not take admins or anything, I just want to play on my tongue.

If You like my proposal How i can contact you...

Thanks for attention

Skype : dan.gremory

Facebook :

You seem to be the good kind of Brazilian, which aren't too often seen on BYOND. Seriously, some Brazilians sure do make a bad name for themselves, but I suppose they can't help it if they can't read English.

If I was the owner, I'm pretty sure I would give it to you just for translating. But sadly, I am not. I could see some risk in it, though, so I wouldn't be too surprised if he denied you.
Sorry we're not really looking for a Brazilian version atm