How would i make a medic code that when u are in view (2)
you can heal them and their health go to 100 and it tells them who healed you.
Apr 29 2002, 3:17 pm
verb/Heal(mob/M in oview(2)) while(M.HP<=M.HP+100) M.HP+=rand(1,10) sleep(10) |
In response to Sariat
ShadowSiientx wrote: How would i make a medic code that when u are in view (2) you can heal them and their health go to 100 and it tells them who healed you. mob/verb/heal(mob/M in oview(2)) = M.max_health//max healt heal M << "you were healed by [usr]"//tell the person that got healed usr << "you healed [M]" that would take there health up 2 the maxhealth not 100 unless it was 100. it would be, mob/verb/heal(mob/M in oview(2)) += 100 M << "you have been healed by [src]" if(" = M.max_health") M << "[src] tried to heal you but you are at full health already" src << "[M] is already at full health" hopes that sorts out ur code. |
In response to Super vivi
Super vivi wrote:
ShadowSiientx wrote: ACTUALLY, both of you are wrong. Your code there ADDS 100 to the health, not sets it to 100. Just take out the plus in <nobr><code> += 100</nobr></code> and it should be fine. -Rcet |
mob/verb/heal(mob/M in oview(2)) = M.max_health//max healt heal
M << "you were healed by [usr]"//tell the person that got healed
usr << "you healed [M]"