hey there, stupid n00b back ^_^

i was wondering if someone could tell me how i could play my City Theme.mid in DM, if someone could help me out i'd really appereciate it!

THX! ^_^
Look up the sound proc in the help file(F1 in Dream Maker)
In response to Super16
well... that kinda helped....
i put this in...

world << sound(City Theme.mid,repeat=1,wait=0,channel=0)

and compiled it...
got this...

loading Final Fantasy.dme
Final Theme: missing comma ',' or right-paren ')'
Final Theme: expected end of statement
Final unexpected symbol: ,

Final Fantasy.dmb - 3 errors, 0 warnings (double-click on an error to jump to it)
In response to Redslash
Need to tell it that your midi file is a file, not a variable.

So instead of City Music.mid, write 'City Music.mid'.
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
Need to tell it that your midi file is a file, not a variable.

So instead of City Music.mid, write 'City Music.dmi'.

How does one listen to an icon, anyway?

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
I don't know, but now that you've quoted it in your responce they're going to have to figure out a way!
In response to Foomer

i wrote it like this...

world << sound('City Theme.mid',repeat=1,wait=0,channel=0)

and got this...

loading Final Fantasy.dme
Final definition
Final'City Theme.mid':duplicate definition
Final definition
Final definition
Final Fantasy.dme:34:error::duplicate definition
Final Fantasy.dme:34:error::empty type name (indentation error?)
Final Fantasy.dme:34:error::empty type name (indentation error?)
Final definition
Final<< :instruction not allowed here

Final Fantasy.dmb - 9 errors, 0 warnings (double-click on an error to jump to it)
In response to Redslash
You've that code some where else, you only should have it once, normally I place sound triggers under area/
I don't give it an icon, and use Entered(), and Exited() to turn it on and off.

Entered(mob/M as mob)
M << sound('MyMusic.mid')
Exited(mob/M as mob)
M << sound(null)

Then you just place this on the map as an invisiable layer. But I'd expand this and make 2 areas, 1 for Entered and 1 for Exited. That way you it doesn' restart as soon as u leave that tile.