![]() May 8 2002, 7:38 pm
how would i make a verb called hack and if the user has a hacking device he knows someones hacking and if he doesn't it just hacks him for gold?
![]() May 8 2002, 9:02 pm
it looks like you want more of a pick pocketing skill, not a hacking device.
you must need somthing like this, just set the vars.
mob/verb/HackingDevice(mob/M in oview(2)) if(usr.hasdevice == 1) = 0 M << "[usr] Just stole all your gold!!" else = 0 sorry, 3:40am, very tired...... *dies* ... Off to bed for me. - RaeKwon |
Hehehe my new RPG is gonna have Hacking within the game, just got to come up with some creative ways to use it, other than your hack level is 20, you successful hack into the Natelis Overseas DataBank. The Mircor Data-jackers are now alerted to your presense in Cyberspace. Dispatch has alerted 3 Black onto your location, you have 30secs to decide what to do before they get there. :P