I want it so when I log in, I have a special Icon, and sepcial verbs. How would I do this? I have heard that it is kinda hard, but semi-easy, I have no idea, please help.
Do you mean so that you (one person) have admin powers?

if (key == "Nova2000")
new_mob = new /mob/Player/Admin()
new_mob = new /mob/Player()
src.client.mob = new_mob

Put that in the world/Login()
Then, under mob/Player/Admin, put in all the special verbs. Because Admin is a sub-class of Player, it has all of players abilities too, plus what you give it. But a Player won't have Admin abilities. Oh, and don't forget to change the key=="Nova2000" to your key. :)
In response to Nova2000
dude, I have admin codes, I want a custom icon when I log in.
try this

if(usr.key == "Airjoe") // thats is for you
icon = 'special icon.dmi' // or whatever
usr.loc = locate(1,1,1) // or where ever you start
verbs += /mob/proc/boot // gives only you the powers
verbs += /mob/proc/ban
verbs += /mob/proc/announce

for the verbs on the bottom you should probably make those procs instead verbs (when you create them elsewhere)
In response to Airjoe
i told you that also
In response to Aleis
you just add icon = 'specialicon.dmi' in to it......
In response to Aleis
if(src.key == "Majin Noobs")
/*Here goes rest of Admin verbs*/
src.icon = 'special icon'
src <<"Welcome,Admin!"

--Majin Noobs