I just got back from seeing "World Trade Center" with my girlfriend (she just left for home). I've never been moved this much from a movie before. It made me think about all that is important to me in life and how sometimes we take things for granted.
I could remember what I was doing on that day. My girlfriend and I talked about what we were doing at the time we learned that planes had flown into the World Trade Center.
If you haven't seen it yet, go see it. I highly recommend seeing this movie.
If you have seen "World Trade Center", what were your thoughts/feelings after viewing this film?
![]() Aug 23 2006, 9:08 pm
I'll see it. If they divide every damn cent of profit between the surviving family members of those killed in that building on that day.
5 years is not long enough. 50 is more like it. Stupid, stupid hollywood fat cats, and everyone who went to see that film should be ashamed of themselves.