I want a password on my door, here is my code:
icon = 'obj.dmi'
icon_state = "door"
density = 1
var/P = input("Password","What is the password?") as text
and my errors are:
obj.dm:42:error:src.password:value not allowed here
obj.dm:43:error:= :expected a constant expression
obj.dm:43:error::empty type name (indentation error?)
Jun 3 2002, 10:39 am
you need to put the if() inside of a proc, you see, like this:
obj door density = 1 icon = 'Door.dmi' icon_state = "DoorClosed" var password = "Geese are evil" verb open() set src in oview(1) if(password) usr.misc = input("Password?","Password?") as text if(usr.misc == password) open() //call the open proc defined below. else usr << "incorrect password!" else open() proc open() density = 0 icon_state = "DoorOpen" Sleep(20) close() close() density = 1 icon_state = "DoorClosed" Obviosly there are some mistakes in this code, but if you use the help commands, you can catch them! Good luck! |
Try this:
obj/door That MIGHT work. -Kappa the Imp |
In response to Kappa the Imp
kappa, I already posted the working code, and besides, he is trying to make it so that only CERTAIN doors have passwords, you code would not be fitting for that
The code here needs to be inside a proc. You should look at one of the tutorials to see how to create procs.