I want to know because I'm curious, and I might be able to gain some wisdom, knowledge and inspiration from looking at his/her posts.
Teacher, being someone who sacrifices their time to educate some random stranger on a forum, knowing it can be in vain. This teacher can be one who has taught about any subject.(game design, programming, art, math, science, life, etc.) Who has taught with the highest quality to the most people? People can easily remember the biggest trolls and people that have negatively influenced them. Who has made your time on byond fun, productive, a great learning experience, worth it?
Thanks for this list, I've heard about half the people on this list reading though this forum. So far I've only been looking through forum_account's resources and learning though those. Thankfully he's output alot of knowledge in programming. I'm looking forward to checking out these people.
An honorable mention goes to 8BitParagon. This person would appear to be new to the community, however they know what they are talking about as far as programming goes and that's what counts. This is someone to lookout for in the future.
Also, as far as the topic of programming goes, GatewayRa knows a thing or two. When he's not troll-baiting someone, he can be a huge help.
I'm sure I forgot some contributors, but you can look around the forum and see who is worth your time and who isn't (seeing as the majority here think they are trolls). Good luck to you.