Which value should you check for to see if they are a subscriber or not? Here's the F1 Help:
hub = "My.Hub" //change this to your own hub entry
full_access = 1
usr << "For full access, <a href = \
'http://www.byond.com/hub/[world.hub]' >subscribe!"
return ..()
Where did that red value come from? Will the value be different for each Hub entry?
Jun 18 2002, 2:58 pm
In response to Sariat
I've got it set up and gave myself a subscription too make sure it was working. However, I don't see any sort of number, string, or unique identifier anywhere. What section of a hub entry is it in? I may just be skimming over it...
In response to English
English wrote:
I've got it set up and gave myself a subscription too make sure it was working. However, I don't see any sort of number, string, or unique identifier anywhere. What section of a hub entry is it in? I may just be skimming over it... it's in distribution. |
And yes, they are all seperate :D