Which value should you check for to see if they are a subscriber or not? Here's the F1 Help:

hub = "My.Hub" //change this to your own hub entry


full_access = 1
usr << "For full access, <a href = \
'[world.hub]' >subscribe!"
return ..()

Where did that red value come from? Will the value be different for each Hub entry?
You have to set up your subscription thing. Then look at your hub entry for that, and it will tell you the subsciption number dillio.

And yes, they are all seperate :D
In response to Sariat
I've got it set up and gave myself a subscription too make sure it was working. However, I don't see any sort of number, string, or unique identifier anywhere. What section of a hub entry is it in? I may just be skimming over it...
In response to English
English wrote:
I've got it set up and gave myself a subscription too make sure it was working. However, I don't see any sort of number, string, or unique identifier anywhere. What section of a hub entry is it in? I may just be skimming over it...

it's in distribution.