Jun 19 2002, 12:54 pm
how do u get music into your game. i looked at all the Tutorails and can't find a music verb or wat ever.
Jun 19 2002, 12:57 pm
You want the sound() proc. :)
and try my other demos |
For just one usr:
mob verb Sound() usr<<sound('sound.mid',1)//This is where //you put the song_name.Sound_program such as MIDI, //WAV, or MP3 For every one to here: mob verb Sound() world<<sound('sound.mid',1)//This is where //you put the song_name.Sound_program such as MIDI, //WAV, or MP3 |
In response to Shadowdarke
ok, then how do i get the midis in my dream maker list or tree or wat ever
In response to Charlesisdapimp
well, right now i am makeing a chat room and make it so people or i can choose the music and not be on a map. how do i do that
In response to DragonSeeker1488
Explain your phrase a little clearer do you mean a verb so the usr can play songs off the map? if so its the same thing world<<sound('sound.dmi',1)
In response to DragonSeeker1488
you save them in to that file and then close dream seeekr then run it again.... it should be there
In response to Aleis
I did that. Now, i want to put music in to my game. Like on the map. I'll explain. When the player starts. He changes to a diffenert map. Then, the music will change. Does any one know how to put the music in so when they change maps, the music changes?