Please respond...and DON'T give me a link to the BYOND faq...I've already tried it and it does'nt work. Either that or I just did something wrong.
![]() Jun 20 2002, 5:31 pm
![]() Jun 20 2002, 6:12 pm
The example in the FAQ works fine.
can you send the FAQ site so i can see it. I need a title screen in my game but doesn't know how to make one
do this.. Make a bmp title screen called ts..then save it in your game folder.. go to the main code and type this,
turf/screen/icon = 'ts.bmp' go to the map and hit the ts turf and make sure you have it on add. and place in on the map.. make another bmp and called it startbutton and make a button with start written on it.. then add it in the game file and place in near the title screen. and add this code, turf/startbutton/icon = 'startbutton.bmp' Click() usr.Move(locate(1,1,1,) and this, mob/Login() usr.Move(locate(location of title screen) usr.icon = null usr.islocked = 1 Might wanna make a var that locks the usr.. like mob/var/islocked = 0 if(islocked = 1) return else ..() |