It's a great idea, but I wish it worked. It does work, except if the player hits the escape key instead of the default "Ok" button, some of the other verbs will be locked and unable to be used. Probably because the alert box sleeps the proc. Not sure how to fix this bug. Here's the code:
verb/Alert(mob/M as mob in world)
set category = "GM"
if(M == src) return
var/mob/A = input("Alert [M]:") as null|text
if(!A) return
alert(M,"[A]","Alert from [src] :")
What am I doing wrong?
I've looked through as many alert-related posts as I could, and still nothing. My Alert verb displays the message to the player, however if the player hits the escape key instead of the deault "OK" button, any proc using "mob/M as mob in world" as an arguement will no longer work.
var/A = input("Alert [M]:") as null|text
Could this be the cause? Point me in the right direction at the least and I would be most grateful.