I've been playing with Zilal's text-based MUD tutorial for around two weeks now, and there a couple things I still can't figure out how to do. I want to insert punctuation into the items/mobs/exits here lines of the Room Display proc. I can get it to throw a comma after each item in the room, but how do I make the last one have a period instead?
I was also wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction to start an 'object stacking' system, so if therre were two certificates in a room it would say '2 certificates' instead of certificate twice?
My RoomDisp proc is still pretty much the same as the one in the tutorial, with a few modifications. Heres a snippet of it (the line that displays the items in the room);
src << "Also here: \..."
for(var/mob/M in R) //loops through mobs in room, displaying each
if(M != usr) src << "[M] \..."
src << ""
Jul 1 2002, 1:22 pm
Jul 1 2002, 2:09 pm
Err, I have a proc that does just that for my MUD, but I'm not sure I can release it without incuring Spuzzumian wrath.
In response to Foomer
Thats understandable. I'm not really looking for exact code, more like being pointed in the right direction.
My idea for the item stacking would be to make a proc that makes a list of items in the room, each item it add it would check to see if the item is already on the list, if so add 1 to its value, otherwise add it to the list. Then for the puncutation add each item in the list (with a number infront of it if its value is more than 1) with a comma behind it to a single var. Find a way to chop off the last char of the var (the last comma) and add a period. Does that sound do-able, or am I going about it in all the wrong way? If that sounds possible, my only question is how would I remove the last char from a var? Thanks for your help. EDIT - I just started messin around with the idea and I got the puncuation to work nicely, but the item stacking isn't working properly. Heres my proc so far; ObjList(room/R) var/list/items = new for(var/obj/O in R) if(!istype(O,/door)) if(O in items) items[O] += 1 else items[O] = 1 var/product for(var/obj/O in items) if(items[O] == 1) product = "[product] [O]," if(items[O] > 1) product = "[product] [items[O]] [O]," var/N = length(product) product = copytext(product,1,N) product = "[product]\..." return product I haven't used lists much so its probably a stupid error, but atleast the puncuation looks nice; You notice certificate, certificate here. |
Not Tested Tell me if it works.
proc/RoomDisplay()//I am making this for mobso only as ex. for(var/mob/M as mob in room)//room to be considered a datum var/list/L = list() L.Add(M) return list2text(L) proc/list2text(var/list/L) var/loop var/output for(loop as null|anything in L) var/N = L.len for(var/V in loop-L[N]) output += "[V], " output += "[L[N]]" return output return output mob/verb/Look() src << RoomDisplay(blah) It's worth a shot. |
Nice Charman but doesn't look like it will work. Here is an example I made. I hope this helps with RoomDisplay() fit in with code.
proc/sp_list2text(var/list/L) var/output var/loop var/mismatch = L[L.len] for(loop as null|anything in L-mismatch) output += "[loop], " output += "[L[L.len]]." return output mob/verb/Look() var/list/L = list() for(var/mob/M as mob in world) L.Add(M) src << sp_list2text(L) That should give you an idea on how to use my proc I made. Look at what it does ;) Should work effective with list with the same format. |