Here's my HUD (border) code, and the problem being, when I log in BYOND cuts off the BMP, reducing it to 1 tile.
and if I use 'screen_loc="1,13 to 11,13"' it does the same, just repeats the tile along the top..

New(client/C) //define the New proc for objs
C.screen += src //add the object to your screen
..() //perform default New stuff

layer= MOB_LAYER+1

I hope to have the hud 2 tiles in width (from the top) that my problem (since I'm using 1 .bmp)???
Or is the problem, simply it being a .bmp??
You can't just put a bitmap on the screen you need to do something else that I don't know, but I do know that You can't take a bitmap and just put it on the screen.
In response to DBZ Kidd
if only it were that simple
In response to Branks
I know it would save so much time :)