well h0w would i make stuff like this:

mob/verb/emote(msg as text)
world <<"[emote][usr] [msg]"

without Byond thinking [emote] is a var.

You can't. That's what the []'s in a text string are designed to do, embed vars. What exactly are you trying to do?
In response to Foomer
You can't?! Well what is "\[Stuff\]" for?
In response to Nadrew
ok, here is how to make an "emote" command
emote(emote as text)
world << "[usr] [emote]"
simple enough
is't just a simple text output verb
The \ operator cancels out of [],",' and other stuff like that.

To output, " [Emote] Vortezz explains", put:
view() << "\[Emote\] [usr] [emote]"

By putting a \ before the [ and ], it allows you to use them in a text string.

Hope you understand :)
In response to Ne Me Mori Facias
i kinda uh *cough* Knew that?