i need to identify the proc in this code.

usr.icon_state = input("Select Hero") in list("blah","blah")
usr.move(locate (1,1,1))

need help
midevilOz wrote:
i need to identify the proc in this code.

usr.icon_state = input("Select Hero") in list("blah","blah")
usr.move(locate (1,1,1))

need help

What I bolded from what you wrote is where you have the error. The first letter of move needs to be uppertext so it should be like,

In response to Super16
super 16 that didnt work anyone else
It should have helped. What the hell is the error here? Identify the proc doesn't explain anything.
In response to midevilOz
uh...... whatever
do you mean usr.loc = locate(1,1,1)
? do you mean that?