Jul 19 2002, 8:02 pm
How do you make your character go from one map to another?
Jul 19 2002, 8:17 pm
character.loc = locate(x,y,z), where z is the number of the map you want. If you're using multiple maps, all the maps are combined into one map and each put on seperate z levels.
Codesterz wrote:
How do you make your character go from one map to another? Just to elaborate on what Foomer said, each map is given a different Z level and treated as part of the overall game map. The order may be arbitrary, so what you probably need is a tagged turf in each map indicating which map it is. For example, if on 'worldmap1.dmp', you put a turf at (1,1,1) (map coordinates) with tag="worldmap1", then you can always find which z level the map is on like this: var/atom/cornerstone=locate("worldmap1") On the off chance this locate() may be slow (I'm not clear on how the internals work in this), you might want to try this modification: proc/GetMapZ(mapname) (The \ is just to split up the line for readability purposes.) You can determine the "height" of an individual map by giving the cornerstone a var with that information. (For example, all turfs could have a var/mapheight=1, but your cornerstone might set this to mapheight=3 instead to indicate that "town4" is 3 z-levels tall. Lummox JR |