In response to Nadrew
> obj
> blackbottom
> icon = 'black.dmi'
> New(client/C)
> screen_loc = "1,1 to 11,1"
> C.screen += src
> client/New()
> ..()
> new/obj/blackbottom(src)
That was too easy, thank you! I tried everything but that. Apology accepted for taking so long, but you won't be as lucky next time. =P

In response to Akarat
Yeah if you cant find help here then do what mouse said or look for a game with something similair to what you want and ask the creator of the game if he wouldnt mind sharing the code. :)

I've played many BYOND games, but everyone seems to put their inventory in a statpanel. If anyone knows of a game that might be a close example to a HUD-based player inventory, do tell. In the meantime I'll continue to crash test my game to see if I can find a solution on my own. Wheee.

In response to Matic293
there is a library about HUD inventorys, tho i thik its with byond scape
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