I have a type of mine in my game that you place, and it heads for the first thing that moves, and won't stop going after it until it's either hit an object, or smacked into it's target. I would like to know how I would detect movement? let's say the mine is layed in a big room of players, and they are all still, and after the mine's 10 second activation period, the first thing it sees that moves it rolls up into a ball and starts rolling towards that user. But after that, it will not detect any other motion, and will continue to roll towards it's designated target until it runs into something. I also don't want it to be too smart, so I can make it run into walls, but one other thing, I also don't want it to continue detecting it's target's position even if the target has run around a corner and the mine can't "see" it anymore.
if(usr.moving == 0)
usr.moving = 1
moving = 0

Then make a proc for the obj to look for mobs in view with a moving var of 1.then use walkto.then i think when you run around a wall..a density of 1 stops?

I don't know!

- Siient

In response to ShadowSiientx
no, when it reaches an atom with a density of 1 it explodes, sending shrapnel and napalm everywhere

(napalm is a goo similar to tallow, it's really sticky, and forms a hard outer shell, and when dropped, it throws the still-wet goo inside everywhere, I think it's part nitro in it's goo-ey form and ignites when dropped, but anyway, napal can't be put out easily, and will burn for hours on end.) Just FYI.
In response to Ter13
Oh,Then i have no idea.
In response to ShadowSiientx
oh, oh no, your code idea is good, it works (as far as I know) and I'm getting closer and closer to finishing this prodject (which I started 4 hours ago) and I feel like you've helped me, SO, I've decide to give you partial access to my game's special features. I'll give you a 2-dime access.

I was saying no to the bomb stopping after you run out of sight, I want my bombs to be DUMB and run into things... make it more fun and chaotic!

My game is fre to play (It's an action shooter) but if you pay, you can get up to 10 levels of access, each level is 2 dimes. At each successive level, you gain access to more weapons, different types of armor, and more vehicles(when they come out.) NOT TO MENTION the special tools and devices.

(my game is a top-wiew action-shooter, with 6 modes of play)

Think Tribes, but 2D and more weapons.

Don't know what Tribes is? run a search. (Games+Tribes)
In response to Ter13
I get 2-dime subscription for doing nothing? uh?
In response to ShadowSiientx
(elbows shadow) don't question... you make me look stupid.. just smile and accept it. (smiles and waves to the BYOND community, prodding shadow to do the same)

(Needless to say, Ter looks like a politician.)
In response to Ter13
In response to ShadowSiientx

How many times do I have to tell you? Don't use usr in movement procs. It doesn't belong there.

In Move(), the correct object to use is src, not usr.

Lummox JR